Top 10 Anime Characters Who Are Secretly Weaklings

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Top 10 Anime Characters Who Are Secretly Weaklings

Take a peak behind the curtain and you’ll find these guys are nothing but fluff. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Anime Characters Who Are Secretly Weaklings.

For this list, we’ll be looking at the heroes and villains who talk a big game, but in truth are weaker than paper dolls, just make sure you don’t tell anyone!

#10: Souichi Negishi

“Detroit Metal City” (2008)

There’s no denying that Johannes Krauser II is one hell of an imposing frontman. You don’t see many other vocalists sexually assaulting a building or getting into a spitting war with a punk band. While he might be a force of nature on the stage, behind all that make-up and regressed anger issues, Krauser is nothing more than a pop-loving cheesecake by the name of Souichi. The fact he’s got an inner musical demon living inside of him proves he has the potential to be a beast, but we all know that as soon as the show’s over this guy goes from heavy metal to soft rock.

#9: Abidos the Third

“Yu-Gi-Oh GX” (2004-08)

As we all know, pharaohs are natural masters when it comes to playing a children’s card game. Abidos appeared to be no exception, since when he was kicking it back in ancient Egypt he was racking up wins left, right and centre. Then he found himself at Duel Academy and took on Mr Flawless himself Jaden. As it happens, is duelling skills were…adequate. Turns out that it never occurred to this guy that his subordinates and slaves let him win because they didn’t want to lose their heads over a duel. Shock horror.

#8: Don Kanonji

“Bleach” (2004-12)

He’s the celebrity exorcist that’s got legions of fans who hang on his every word. He may be a showman and know how to make ghost hunting look flashy, but that doesn’t take away from the fact this guys is part of the problem rather than the solution, since his methods for removing evil spirits just end up creating more Hollows, which he is painfully unequipped to deal with. Kind of amazing that the Don hasn’t bitten the dust already with the amount of times he’s unwittingly pressed himself into the jaws of death.

#7: Aqua

“KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!” (2016-17)

Has there truly ever been a more of a useless goddess than Aqua? After all, beneath all that glamour and vanity, she’s the ultimate crybaby who spends all her skill points on party tricks. While she’s handy to have on your side when trying to purge a polluted lake or take out a group of undead, for the most part all Aqua will do is weep and wail until the cows come home. Kind of unfitting for a deity wouldn’t you think? Well she wouldn’t be in Kazuma’s dysfunctional party if she wasn’t.

#6: Patrick Colasour

“Mobile Suit Gundam 00” (2007-09)

Full credit to the guy, it takes some guts to proclaim you’re one of the greatest pilots in the world…while your mecha is getting torn to pieces. Honestly, the amount of sheer dumb luck this guy has is unreal. How can a well-known egotist, womaniser and sub-par soldier not have been crushed into the ground by a Mobile Suit? Or better still, end up marrying the sensational Colonel Mannequin? He must have racked up a good amount of karma points from all the times he got his shit kicked in.

#5: King Fritz

“Attack on Titan” (2013-)

From atop his throne with his unholy stare, the reigning monarch of humanity’s last bastion appears to be quite the imposing figure. At least until its time for supper. In actuality, this old coot is just a puppet placed into a position of power by the nobles in order to order to keep the status quo going, as well as ensure the Reiss Family dastardly plans flourished. No matter what your first impressions are, it only takes a nudge to shake him up and reveal his true colours. Honestly, poor guy should be in a home…

#4: Buggy the Clown

“One Piece” (1999-)

To say this guy fell from grace wouldn’t exactly be fair to him, after all, he went from being a somewhat competent foe for a base-level Luffy to fight, all before cascading into comic relief territory, only to then rise up to become one of the Warlords of the Sea. And he managed it all without really doing anything. Sure, he’s got a Devil Fruit and has a knack for surviving crazy ass situations, but compared to most other characters in this series, he’s just a drop in the pond. Maybe Oda will power him up in the near future…

#3: Arataka Reigen

“Mob Psycho 100” (2016-19)

As far as con-men and life coaches go, Reigen is the man. Managing to swindle customers with his false psychic services and yet somehow give them impeccable advice all at the same time. However, as far as a so-called grandmaster who can decimate every psychic in his path, Mob’s mentor is certainly doesn’t live up to his reputation. Don’t get us wrong, he’s got sucker punches and salt-based techniques for days, but when facing off against an actual esper, Reigen falls a tad short. Though let’s be honest, who needs psychic powers when you have this much charisma and a tongue this silver?

#2: Mr. Satan

“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)

He’s the greatest martial artist the world has even known, he’s the people’s champ, he’s the man who defeated Cell single-handedly. At least if you believe his promoters. While Hercule has some measure of skill when compared to the average fighter, his greatest discipline is that of the Art of Bullshitting. The fact he survived the Cell Games at all is a god-damn miracle. The fact he befriended Majin Buu is even more insane than Ultra Instinct. While his true level of strength is just under that of Yamcha, he still has the rest of the world wrapped around his finger.

#1: King

“One Punch Man” (2015-19)

It’s one thing to pretend to be strong, it’s something else entirely to pretend to be the world’s most powerful mortal after riding off the back of another hero’s deeds and somehow con the world into believing it. King is that man. Following Saitama’s regular stunts as the strongest caped crusader to ever exist, King inexplicably ended up taking credit for his accomplishments, and has sailed on by as an S-Class hero ever since, despite the fact he’s as weak as sin. The only thing stopping his secret from being exposed? Saitama saving his ass every time at the last second.

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