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VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Josh Schasny
Go Team Venture! Welcome to and today we will be counting down our top picks for the Top 10 Greatest Venture Bros. Characters.

For this list, we will be looking at the colorfully creative and hilarious characters populating Chris McCulloch (aka Jackson Publick) and Doc Hammer's cult animated TV series “Venture Bros.” Whether they be heroes or villains, the attention to detail and sheer creativity make them all the more memorable.

Go Team Venture! Welcome to and today we will be counting down our top picks for the Top 10 Greatest Venture Bros. Characters.

For this list, we will be looking at the colorfully creative and hilarious characters populating Chris McCulloch (aka Jackson Publick) and Doc Hammer’s cult animated TV series “Venture Bros.” Whether they be heroes or villains, the attention to detail and sheer creativity make them all the more memorable.

#10: The Phantom Limb

While not originally an evil supergenius, Hamilton G. Fantomos, aka Phantom Limb, serves as one of “The Venture Bros.’” chief antagonists, at least in terms of threat level. However, with a tragic origin story, Phantom Limb proves to be quite a layered character. While some of his cunning plans border on the insane, and his haute-couture lifestyle makes him come across as foppish, it would be a huge mistake to cross Phantom Limb and allow him to demonstrate what his invisible limbs are made of…

#9: Billy Quizboy & Pete White

If you thought an entrepreneurial team-up consisting of a hydrocephalic boy genius and an albino-tinged disgraced game-show host was too weird for “The Venture Bros.”, you thought wrong. Tech enthusiasts Billy Quizboy and Pete White originally appeared as bit characters until later seasons, when it was revealed that both men had ties to the Venture family that go way back. Despite their tendency to always disagree on just about anything, they pretty much cannot survive without each other. Needless to say, Billy and Pete’s rocky relationship always seems to get them into absurd and hilarious adventures.

#8: Sergeant Hatred

With origins going back to the clandestine O.S.I., Sgt. Hatred has the dubious honor of being both a good guy and a bad guy. One of the more controversial characters on the show, the affable reformed pedophile’s gung-ho demeanor and sandpapery voice really make him stand out, even amongst a cast of some of the strangest characters on television. But whether he’s half-heartedly trying to kill the Ventures, or attempting to earn their trust by taking a bullet, Hatred always keeps the laughs coming.

#7: Dr. Byron Orpheus

If you crossed Dr. Strange with a Shakespearian actor, you would get Dr. Byron Orpheus. With a knack for the melodramatic, Dr. Orpheus manages to make even the most mundane of tasks sound like life or death situations. Orpheus’s pride and egotism occasionally put him at odds with the rest of his magical superhero team, the “Order of the Triad”, and his magical abilities have also led to him butting heads with the more scientifically-minded Rusty Venture, but overall he’s one of the more well-meaning characters on the show. Kind-hearted but at times insecure, Dr. Orpheus is one funny wizard.

#6: Hank & Dean Venture

The backbone of the series, the brothers Venture may not be the smartest duo on the show, but their look and style perfectly evoke the nostalgia the “Venture Bros.” creators have for the adventure cartoons of the past. Portrayed in Hanna-Barbera-like tackiness, Hank and Dean Venture are both adventure-loving, accident-prone boys living in the shadow of their delusional father. Hank is the brawnier—and less bright—of the two, while Dean is more brainy and sensitive. Their contrasting natures and bumbling antics make the brothers endlessly entertaining to watch.

#5: Dr. Thaddeus S. “Rusty” Venture

The main character of the series, super-scientist Rusty Venture is a human cesspool of childhood repression, inferiority complexes, and pure sarcasm. Hardly a likeable character, Rusty’s sense of entitlement and desire to be as famous as his late father leads to the majority of misadventures and conflicts in the show. With a laundry list of enemies - chiefly the Monarch - Rusty constantly manages to talk his way into—and usually out of—potential life-threatening situations. His misanthropic personality is in sharp contrast to that of his much more competent and good-natured twin brother, Jonas Jr.

#4: Henchman 21

If there were an award for laziest henchman, 21 would definitely be in the running. However, if there were an award for most loyal henchman, he would also be considered. Easily one of the funniest additions to the “Venture Bros.” cast, 21 embodies the geekdom that surrounds the “Venture Bros.” through his random—and sometimes extremely obscure—film and TV references. Hardly ever seen without his best friend, the Ray Romano-sounding Henchman 24, 21 serves as the Monarch’s perfect henchman, constantly emerging from horrific battles completely unscathed. His dedication to the Monarch makes him one of the most endearing characters on the show.

#3: Dr. Mrs. The Monarch

Once you get past the voice, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch is the object of affection for many a “Venture Bros” character. Formerly known as Dr. Girlfriend, the wife of the Monarch was modeled after President John F. Kennedy’s wife Jacqueline, right down to her original wardrobe and deep voice. Not above getting her hands dirty to help fulfill the Monarch’s needs, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch also proves to be one of the smarter characters in the series, making her a perfect femme fatale.

#2: Brock Samson

Basically a composite of every badass cartoon character in history, the mulleted, Led Zeppelin-loving O.S.I. agent is never one to take “no” for an answer. With his blasé attitude toward even the most outlandish situations, Brock is a man of very few words. But when things come down to the wire, he springs into action, becoming an unstoppable killing machine. With a preference for knives and bare fists over guns and heavy weaponry, Brock Samson’s roguish behavior has made him a fan favorite, especially when tagging along on missions with his brutish and outspoken mentor Hunter Gathers, who is modeled after the famous Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Colonel Horace Gentleman

The Sovereign / David Bowie

Molotov Cocktease

#1: The Monarch

Chief among the “Venture Bros.” colorful cast of characters is the Monarch. Far from menacing in his butterfly-themed attire, the Monarch’s first and only goal is to menace Rusty Venture until he is either dead or insane; something he usually fails at every step of the way. Either way, the cruel and conniving Monarch’s increasingly ridiculous plans to foil Dr. Venture makes for some of the show’s most hysterical moments. Furthermore, the unconditional loyalty he gets from Dr. Mrs. The Monarch and Henchman 21 means he must be doing something right…

What about Shore Leave?