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VOICE OVER: Samantha Clinch WRITTEN BY: Jesse Singer
The funniest Penny moments made a big bang. For this list, we'll be looking at the girl across the hall and showing some of her most hilarious moments. Our countdown includes thrifty Penny, Penny the gamer, pictionary, and more!

#10: Why Is Sheldon There?
“The Large Hadron Collision”

Also in:

Top 20 Penny & Sheldon Moments on The Big Bang Theory

From Pinocchio to robots, “The Big Bang Theory” made a number of jokes over the years about Sheldon not seeming human. In one episode, he even makes himself into a Sheldon robot - or Shel-Bot. But it isn’t just the guys making the jokes. Penny also gets in on the Sheldon-not-human fun when he comes upon her in the laundry room and comments that she knew why he was there. Although, rather than go Disney puppet or computerized robot with her jab, Penny goes outer space with a well-timed alien joke.

#9: Thrifty Penny
“The Speckerman Recurrence”

In Season 5’s “The Speckerman Recurrence,” Penny realizes - with Amy and Bernadette’s help - that she was kinda mean in high school. In an effort to counteract the guilt she feels, Penny - again with Amy and Bernadette’s help - decides that she wants to donate some of her clothes to charity. In doing so, Penny learns that doing good really does feel good. However, she also realizes that finding a new pair of jeans in the donation bin feels even better. The only thing that could elevate these good feelings even more would be a sweater to complete the outfit.

#8: Penny the Gamer
“The Barbarian Sublimation”

Also in:

Top 10 Penny & Leonard Moments on The Big Bang Theory

In the Season 2 episode “The Barbarian Sublimation,” Penny finds herself in a bit of a rut. Feeling uninspired and a little depressed about the state of her life, career and relationships, she dives head first into the world of online gaming - and possibly into a bag of Cheetos as well. Her obsession with the game leads to her forgoing such things as sleep and basic hygiene. But it’s all in the service of some great comedy as she constantly hounds Sheldon for help and eventually hits her rock bottom with the help of Howard’s in-game flirting.

#7: Solving String Theory
“The Solo Oscillation”

Penny is usually rather uninterested when any of the guys start talking about science stuff. But in Season 11, she has a moment with Sheldon in which she isn’t just interested, but even helps him with his work. Sheldon is stuck on a dark matter problem but admits to Penny that string theory is still his first love. As he explains string theory, Penny throws out the idea of knots, which gives Sheldon a new idea he hadn’t considered. It’s funny stuff, and the hysterical cherry on top of this funny sundae is when she goes back to her place and tells Leonard and Amy about her night.

#6: Standing Up for the Guys
“The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition”

When a new hot actress, Alicia, moves into the building, Penny finds herself a little jealous of her career and of how much the guys are doting on her. This leads to her dressing up to visit Alicia’s apartment and memorizing a science joke to tell the guys. When Penny sees how Alicia is using her friends later on, she warns her about taking advantage of their kind nature. The funny part is, the metaphor she uses to make her point is from “Star Trek,” which catches her by surprise as much as it does us.

#5: Chair Argument With Sheldon
“The Infestation Hypothesis”

Also in:

Top 20 The Voice (U.S.) 4-Chair Turns

In this episode, Sheldon and Penny are enjoying some time together in her apartment chatting and reading. That is, until Sheldon learns the chair he’s sitting on was acquired off the street. Penny’s reaction to Sheldon freaking out is calm and priceless, but it gets even better when Shedon returns later to try and persuade her to get rid of the chair. Penny answers each of Sheldon’s three knocks with a different little rhyme - followed by a “no” after he pleads his case. Finally, when he won’t stop, she just thrusts the chair pillow at him. That works!

#4: Pictionary
“The Re-Entry Minimization”

Sheldon Cooper is a genius. But when it comes to Pictionary, he’s the complete opposite. To put it bluntly… he sucks! A fact that amuses Penny to no end in Season 6’s “The Re-Entry Minimization.” When game night pits her and Amy against Sheldon and Leonard, Sheldon’s mouth writes a number of checks his Pictionary abilities definitely can’t cash. Penny enjoys it so much that in one round she - like a parent giving their child a head start in a race - just sits back and watches Sheldon draw. She then finally walks over and puts him out of his misery in a matter of seconds.

#3: Learning Physics
“The Gorilla Experiment”

When Leonard and Penny start dating in Season 3, Penny wants to surprise him by learning a little physics, so she goes to Sheldon for help. What follows is one of the funniest lessons you’ve ever seen. Of course Sheldon can’t just teach “a little physics.” He needs to provide Penny with an entire history of the science, beginning with a “warm summer evening circa 600 BC.” It’s all overwhelming, but she eventually gets Sheldon to simplify it somewhat, and she’s able to memorize an impressive paragraph of information which she uses to surprise everyone, not just Leonard.

#2: War With Sheldon
“The Panty Piñata Polarization”

Also in:

Top 10 Funniest Sheldon Cooper Moments

It all starts innocently enough, with Penny grabbing an onion ring off Sheldon’s plate. Regardless of her intentions however, she soon finds out that touching Sheldon’s food is a big no-no, and her second strike. After Penny takes a metaphorical stand and receives her third strike, Sheldon banishes her from the apartment. Well, Penny, as you can imagine, doesn’t take this lying down - and so begins the escalating war between the two. Penny’s first counter-attack involves an attempt to banish Sheldon from The Cheesecake Factory. Her next strike is a funny laundry room takeover - and an awesome Barbie joke. In the end, it takes just one phone call to bring Sheldon to his metaphorical knees.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Job Interview, “The Locomotion Interruption”
Now Try Not to Say “People”

Mind the Gap, “The Nerdvana Annihilation”
A Funny Story & a Great Elton John Joke to Finish Things Off

Yo Raj, “The Vengeance Formulation”
A Little Mean, but a Lot Funny!

Kirk Cheated, “The Apology Insufficiency”
Her “Star Trek” Knowledge Continues to Surprise Us All

Molecules, “The Egg Salad Equivalency”
Smart & Sexy!

#1: Loopy Penny
“The Adhesive Duck Deficiency”

In the Season 3 episode “The Adhesive Duck Deficiency,” everyone except Sheldon gets high. The guys unwittingly eat some special home baked cookies, whereas for Penny, she falls in the shower and has Sheldon take her to the hospital. When they get back home, the painkillers are really kicking in and Penny is in great spirits - even laughing at her own unintended sexual innuendos. The pinnacle moment of Penny’s drugged up state has to be her turning the tables on Sheldon and asking him to sing her “Soft Kitty.” It’s absolutely purr, purr purrrfect!
