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VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Vanessa Lee
Prepare youself for the behind the scenes things you didn't know about "The Ellen DeGeneres Show." For this list, we'll be looking at what happens when Ellen takes her dancing shoes off and the cameras stop rolling. Our countdown includes Ellen has a "sensitive nose," Ellen is allegedly mean to her staff, Ellen almost ended the show in 2016, and more!

#10: Ellen Almost Ended the Show in 2016

Though it’s hard for us to imagine daytime television without Ellen’s upbeat series, she was considering pulling the plug when its contract was ending back in 2016. The much-loved comedian was getting conflicting advice from her inner circle – her wife, Portia de Rossi, encouraged her to retire while her brother Vance urged her to continue with the show. Ultimately, she followed her brother’s advice, but cancelling the program is not quite off the table. In a 2018 interview with the New York Times, Ellen revealed that she still thinks about leaving the show. Well, let’s enjoy it while we can!

#9: Ellen Has a “Sensitive Nose”

Some people might have a chair outside their office or perhaps some artwork to decorate the door, but Ellen’s addition is truly unique – the comedian allegedly has a bowl of gum at all times outside her office. According to a tweet by TV writer Benjamin Siemon, she requires everyone to chew a piece of gum before coming in to talk to her because of her sensitive nose. We guess if her staff ignores the offensive aspect of this whole process, they do know where to find a readily available piece of gum, free-of-charge.

#8: There Is a Strict Dress Code for the Audience

Have you ever wanted to be in the live audience of a taping of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show?” If you do get the opportunity, you should think long and hard about your outfit, as the show has the right to deny entrance to anyone not following their strict dress code! But hey – as long as you remember to don your best business casual and in-fashion threads, refrain from black and white and dull colors in general, avoid wearing ‘Ellen’ merch or anything with a noticeable logo, AND not coordinate outfits with your audience buddy, you’ll be totally fine.

#7: The Show Has Been Sued by Multiple Record Companies

Fans know that an episode of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” is not complete without a little dancing. What fans might not know is that Ellen’s taste for the catchiest and most popular tunes got her in a little trouble back in 2009 – four of the biggest recording companies sued the show for allegedly using over a thousand songs without permission! Turns out producers never bothered to get licenses for the countless songs Ellen got groovy to with her audience. Somehow, the show managed to smooth things over, the recording companies terminated the suit, and Ellen continues to dance on to her favorite hits.

#6: YouTuber “Nikkietutorials” Had a Bad Experience on the Show

Ellen is known for her welcoming and jovial attitude towards her guests, but it seems like a different story might take place off-camera. After appearing on the show, ultra-popular makeup YouTuber “NikkieTutorials” had a few things to say about how she was treated. The beauty guru revealed that she was prohibited from using a bathroom that was ‘reserved’ for another guest, and that Ellen neglected to greet her before taping and treated her coldly when the cameras weren’t rolling. And she’s not alone – the Bachelor’s Corinne Olympios,’ alleges a similar experience on the show, citing Ellen’s aggressive and cold off-screen demeanor.

#5: The Target of One of Ellen’s Jokes Sued Her

Although Ellen has long been known for her positive and seemingly victim-less sense of humor, a few particularly nasty jokes appear to have fallen through the cracks. One instance occurred on her show when she was presented with one of real estate agent Titi Pierce’s signs. Not only did the comedian mispronounce and make fun of the agent’s name, but Pierce’s phone number was left uncensored during the episode, leading to a series of tormenting phone calls. Pierce sued the show for the emotional distress that Ellen caused her, though it was ultimately thrown out as the judge saw no wrongdoing in Ellen’s joke.

#4: A Recipient of Ellen's Charity Was Threatened with Jail Time

Ellen’s selfless habit of gifting her guests generous sums of cash might have some unwanted strings attached. RyShonda Fields was grateful for her friend when she helped her through a tough time and wrote to Ellen in hopes of getting her a shout-out. To her surprise, Ellen one-upped her by inviting her on the show and gave her a whopping $55 000. But, unfortunately, the surprises didn’t end there. When she failed to pay taxes on the gift, the IRS prosecuted her and following a trial, she was threatened with jail time! Though the case was ultimately overturned, this story proves that some things are too good to be true.

#3: The Show’s Crew Was Left in the Dark During the Pandemic

Fans of the show would expect the warmth and generosity Ellen exhibits on her program to extend to those that make it all happen – her crew. But when the Coronavirus pandemic hit and the show could no longer be filmed on set, Ellen’s crew was reportedly met with radio silence. For over a month, no information was communicated to them about their pay or working schedule. Meanwhile, Ellen has managed to continue taping the show at home, hiring an external tech company instead of recruiting her original crew. But her crew members weren’t alone in their betrayal - viewers took offence to a tone-deaf joke Ellen made comparing quarantining in her mansion to being in jail. Yikes!

#2: Ellen Is Allegedly Mean to Her Staff

Maybe Ellen should follow her own mantra of ‘being kind to one another.’ In a now-infamous Twitter thread, Kevin T. Porter alleged that the comedian has a steady mean streak. Ellen apparently chooses a different member of staff everyday to be mean to! If that wasn’t enough, costume designer Alison Freer claimed on Twitter that she has a watchful eye on her staff’s lunches – enforcing strict rules on what they can and can’t eat! With staff hoping it isn’t their day to be picked on and hiding away to eat their lunches in peace, these reported stories make it seem like Ellen isn’t so different from a playground bully.

#1: Ellen Defied the 2007—08 Writers Guild of America Strike

You would think that an entertainment industry veteran like Ellen would have a little more sympathy for underpaid screenwriters. Back in 2007 and 2008, film and television screenwriters of Writers Guild of America East and West went on strike for better pay. Ellen showed her support by taking a single day off before crossing picket lines by continuing to tape her show. And what’s more, she allegedly fired her head writer of five years when she refused Ellen’s orders to defy the strike! Under circumstances like these, it really makes you wonder whether or not the show really must go on.
