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VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman WRITTEN BY: Jonathan Alexander
We're still not over these. Join Ashley as we look over the most memorable death scenes across Attack on Titan, including the likes of "Hannes", "Sasha", "Erwin", and more!
Script written by Jonathan Alexander

Top 10 Attack on Titan Deaths

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most iconic death scenes in “Attack on Titan.” Obviously, spoilers ahead.

#10: Hannes

During a high-stakes rescue operation, Hannes is the only one standing between Eren, Mikasa, and a very hungry Titan. And yet, given their history, he has no choice but to stand and fight. Years ago, Eren’s mother died because of Hannes’ cowardice, and now, he has a chance to redeem himself for her son. It’s a noble gesture and all, but in the end, Hannes’ life is only worth a few fleeting moments of safety. After that, Eren’s savior becomes Titan food just like everyone else. Still, Hannes can rest easy knowing that, however briefly, he finally protected the Yeager’s like he always said he would.

#9: Mike Zacharius

You’ve gotta give Mike credit for one thing; he’s pretty cool under pressure. Even when coming face to face with the Beast Titan, he still draws its attention to give his squad time to escape. And, for a moment, it seems like Mike might actually get away, too. But, then the Beast Titan talks. The horror on Mike’s face says it all: he’s doomed, and he knows it. Worst of all, he doesn’t even get the glory of dying to a talking Titan. After stealing his ODM gear, the Beast simply leaves Mike behind to be devoured by other Titans. Based on his screams, it wasn’t quick, and it wasn’t painless.

#8: Willy Tybur

Anyone who showed up for this declaration of war got two for the price of one. Just as Willy Tybur finished announcing his plans of attack on Paradis, Eren appeared and did the same for Marley. But, as they say, actions speak louder than words. So, instead of a boring speech, Eren turned into a Titan and ate Willy whole. As it turns out, the Tybur noble planned on becoming a martyr all along. He knew that, in the grand scheme of things, his death would only matter because of what it represented. As a result, this grand demise marked the real point of no return. For Marley, and for Eren.

#7: Squad Levi

In this world, trust is the only currency that matters. Eren knew the risks of putting his faith in other, but despite his better judgment, Squad Levi weren’t just allies anymore. They were friends. When they told Eren they’d defeat the Female Titan without him, he believed them. And that’s a mistake he has to live with. Using her assortment of unique abilities, the Female Titan broke through the team’s best-laid plans with no remorse. Just like that, Squad Levi fell. Eld, Oruo, Petra; gone in a heart-wrenching blink of an eye. All because Eren trusted their word. By the time he finally goes full-beast-mode on the Female Titan, she’s earned everything she has coming.

#6: Zeke

Given their very, very messy history together, “Attack on Titan” couldn’t have ended without one final confrontation between Zeke and Levi. We knew it. Levi knew it. Hell, even Zeke knew it. After speaking with Armin, he decides to die of his own will rather than live under Eren’s. Levi doesn’t waste the chance, and with a single strike, finally fulfills his promise to Erwin. And yet, Zeke’s decapitation feels oddly somber. He spends his final moments trying to appreciate the weather, knowing full-well he doesn’t deserve to. That dichotomy sums up Zeke’s end perfectly; while he can’t ever truly atone for all the things he’s done, dying for the greater good comes pretty damn close.

#5: Sasha

Most of the time, you can feel it in your gut when a character is about to meet their maker. Not with Sasha, though. For years, her and her hungry antics kept the Survey Corp in high spirits even as they fought against overpowered Titans, former allies, and entire nations. It’s a tough blow, then, that Sasha doesn’t actually die on the battlefield. In fact, she was already nice and cozy on the retreating airship when Gabi rolled out of hiding and shot her point-blank. The closest thing we get to a proper goodbye is Sasha’s final mumblings about meat. As realistic as it is, it’s hard not to feel like Sasha deserved better.

#4: Bertholdt

Even compared to its gigantic brethren, the Colossal Titan has a pretty high death count. Chief among them, Eren’s own mother. Couple that with Bertholdt infiltrating the Survey Corp, and you could say his betrayal left some bad blood. But, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, right? Seeing Eren tear Bertholdt from the Colossal’s body is just plain epic, and that’s not even the end of it. In an oh-so poetic turn of events, Bertholdt is then eaten by the very same kind of Titans he helped unleash on the walls. Later, Armin uses the Colossal’s powers to wage war against Bertholdt’s own homeland, too. Revenge has never tasted so sweet.

#3: Erwin

To set the scene, the Survey Corp is surrounded, the Beast Titan is raining down rocks, and Levi can’t get close enough to fight back. That’s where Erwin comes in. He decides to distract the Beast Titan with the only thing he has left - his life. He even gets a whole squadron of rookies to follow him, and together, their rousing death march is nothing short of inspiring. At least, it is until the Beast Titan wipes them all out with a pitch made of gravel. For what it’s worth, their sacrifice paid off. But, although Levi landed the winning blow, there’s no denying that this is Erwin’s victory through and through. Rest easy, commander.

#2: Hange

“Give your heart.” It’s practically the motto of the Survey Corp. But, no one personifies that idea quite like Hange, who dedicated their life, soul, and boundless curiosity to the study of Titans. With that being said, what better way for Hange to go out than seeing their beloved research up close and personal? And during the fabled Rumbling, no less! It’s practically a victory lap of Hange’s life’s work. Of course, it isn’t just for play. Hange’s blaze of glory gives the team enough time to slip away and stop the Rumbling for good. Staring down an army of Colossal Titans doesn’t sound too appealing, but for Hange, we couldn’t have asked for anything more fitting.

#1: Eren

It doesn’t get any bigger than this - and we don’t mean the size of the Titan. Without Eren, there’s no show. Although, in retrospect, that was his goal all long. He turned himself into humanity’s villain so his friends could be its hero. But, when the moment of reckoning comes, it’s not that simple. As Eren says himself, he doesn’t want to die. If it were truly to him, he’d grow old alongside Armin and Mikasa. Sadly, that’s not the reality he chose. Instead, Eren shares one last silent goodbye with Mikasa, and finally accepts his fate. Whether he died as a hero or a villain, it’s clear that “Attack on Titan” is nothing without Eren Yeager.

Which “AOT” death are you still not over? Mourn with us in the comments below!
