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VOICE OVER: Briana Lawrence
Script written by Briana Lawrence

Hey there Mojoholics, and welcome to TopX, where we count down the very best that YouTube has to offer. Today, we're about to turn on our controllers and pass them to the ladies of YouTube, as we look at the top 10 female gamers on YouTube.

We'll only be looking at women whose main channel is dedicated to gaming, so while the likes of Meg Turney and Barbara Dunkelman do work for Rooster Teeth, their personal YouTube channels lack gaming content, so they won't be on this list.

Special thanks to our user Gundy Saintlouis for submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest

Script written by Briana Lawrence

#10: KittyKatGaming

You may recognize our number 10 pick as Suzy from Game Grumps, or as Morterm3r when she’s giving makeup and fashion tutorials -- or doing her husband’s makeup. In 2015, she uploaded her first video to “KittyKatGaming.” On this channel, she does Let’s Plays and tackles a wide variety of video games, from the action-packed “Metal Gear Solid V,” to more... questionable titles... that somehow end up aiding other Let’s Players. What makes her channel so fun is the energy she puts into it, from the charming animation intro, to hilarious cosplay skits, and the random conversations that occur during gameplay.

#9: Gaming With Jen

The couple that games together stays together. This Minecraft channel features Jen, who describes herself as having a “slight” obsession with cute things, as made apparent by the fairytale-esque banner on her page and her cute intro. The maps she plays tend to be on the more light-hearted side, ranging from amusement parks, the Disney universe, and… wait, how did Five Nights at Freddy’s get in here? Jen doesn’t tackle these maps alone; she plays with her husband, Pat, and the two share in some humorous and adorable banter as they game together. ‘Til death– or Minecraft – do us part.

#8: LDShadowLady

In 2010, Lizzie, also known as LDShadowLady, decided to try her hand at “Call of Duty.” Her very first video was 12 seconds long, but it was enough to get a feel for her channel. While she does play a variety of games, some more questionable than others, much like the rest of us, when she tried her hand at Minecraft, she couldn’t stop playing. Her channel quickly became a source for not just Let’s Plays, but reviews of various mod packs and a versus series where her and her boyfriend compete against each other.

#7: iJustineGaming

iJustine is a woman with multiple popular YouTube channels, and in 2011, she decided to start one dedicated to her gaming adventures. Let’s just say they aren’t always the most skilled adventures on YouTube, but honestly, that’s what makes her channel so endearing. With videos capturing her reactions as she plays, iJustine knows that she isn’t the best at the games she plays, but she’s at least having fun; even if it means belting out non-swear words and occasionally singing along with her death. But, be honest with yourself, that’s exactly how you game when you’re losing, right?

#6: TheRPGMinx

From this next user’s name, you can probably guess what kind of Let’s Plays we’re in for... or maybe not. What the name doesn’t tell you is that most of the RPGs in question revolve around games that will probably make it hard to sleep at night. And Michelle doesn’t do video capture of herself playing, either, so you’re stuck watching the full terror on screen, whether she’s playing alone and voicing the characters, or doing multiplayer with friends. Don’t worry; she does more than RPG horror. She also plays triple-A horror titles, occasionally with guests that scream at her as she’s being chased by a psychopath.

#5: PressHeartToContinue

Looking for entertaining Let’s Plays of dating Sims? How about those random, bizarre dating games you didn’t even know existed? Actually, our number five pick can get weirder than that. Maybe you want fandom discussions or anime first impression videos. Whatever it is, Dodger, the woman behind PressHeartToContinue, has it all. Our personal favorite segment is “Gaming Newz” – spelled with a “z” – where Dodger, after an amusing animated intro, delves into the ongoings of the gaming world that ranges from big announcements, shockers within the gaming community, or sarcastic remarks toward companies that continue to dig their own grave.

#4: Aphmau

Will Kawaii-Chan ever be able to talk to the hot pizza delivery guy? Especially after he touched the napkin that she touched? It may seem like a random series of questions, but if you’re one of the million subscribers to this channel, you’re already familiar with Aphmau’s daily Minecraft roleplays. One of the most unique ways of playing Minecraft, Aphmau – or Jess if you prefer ¬¬– has several fully voice acted stories told through her original Minecraft worlds and characters. From substitute teachers to sassy lawyers, just sit back and watch the adventures unfold.

#3: SSSniperWolf

If you’re playing Call of Duty, you better watch your back, because this woman will take you out in an instant. By joining her “Wolf Pack,” you can watch her in action as she plays through different Call of Duty maps. More importantly, you get tips and reviews of different in-game weapons and armor. When she’s not blasting her way through Call of Duty, she’s answering fan questions, giving relationship advice, cosplaying, and trying out the naughtiest games available... well, replace “naughtiest” with “humorous” since she, like us, can’t keep a straight face while playing them.

#2: YOGSCAST Hannah

The Yogscast are a network of YouTubers who produce all kinds of gaming-related content. Founded in 2008, we had a good amount of choices in regards to women associated with the network and who have their own channels, but we had to give our number two slot to Hannah. She’s been involved with the group since 2010 and used to work as their Operations Manager, but now, she devotes her time to her personal gaming YouTube channel. She specializes in action-packed, story-driven titles, and features everything from open world games like Batman: Arkham Knight to horror games like Outlast and Until Dawn. She also posts daily, so there’s no shortage of addictive gaming videos to go through.

Before we let these ladies sign off, let’s take a look at some honorable mentions:

HM1: lucahjin

HM2: OMGitsfirefoxx

HM3: stacyplays

HM4: Tamashii Hiroka

HM5: Amy Lee

#1: iHasCupquake

She’s fun. She’s bubbly. And she has the best reactions when games catch her off guard, which is the point of doing Let’s Plays of horror titles, right? But she does more than play games that make her want to curl up in the fetal position. By scrolling through her main page, you can see games divided into four categories: horror, humor, open ended, and “Husband vs. Wife.” With this much great content to choose from, it’s no surprise that she’s the most-subscribed channel on our list; with nearly 4 million subscribers. When she’s not gaming, she’s either hosting “D.I.Y. Geeky Goodies” or “Quake N Bake.” And no, despite the delicious cupcake, we still don’t wanna eat, duck duck.

The game is over, for now, so we can set our controllers down for another day. Until then, be sure to check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, vote for upcoming lists on our suggest page, and for more gaming top tens published everyday, be sure to subscribe to!
