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VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman WRITTEN BY: Alex Crilly-Mckean
Written by Alex Crilly-Mckean

These are the greatest battles hidden between those 20 minute screaming sessions! Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Dragon Ball Z Fights.
For this list, we'll be looking at the most iconic battles from across Dragon Ball Z that managed to elevate the series to superstardom. Keep in mind we won't be including any movie or sequel scuffles, so don't expect to see the likes of Broly of Beerus make appearances.

#10: Super Saiyan 3 Goku vs. Majin Buu

In spite of his obese appearance, the entity known as Majin Buu was shown to be near unstoppable, slaughtering whole cities and turning its residents into candy. In order to buy some time, Goku steps up, and he reveals that he has gone even further beyond and attained a new level of Super Saiyan, one that comes complete with one helluva golden mullet. This led the way to brief but still awesome brawl. Just when it looks like Goku may have the upper hand, he realizes his time on earth is running out and decides to leave the rest to the next generation…

#9: Gotenks vs. Super Buu

This confrontation had been building since the moment Buu was resurrected, and it certainly didn’t fail to live up the hype. With the hyperbolic time chamber as their battleground, Goten and Trunks reveal their mastered fusion, taking the form of the smartass Saiyan Gotenks. The fight itself is layered with surprises, with Gotenks unleashing the hilariously effective Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, along with the reveal that he too can transform into a Super Saiyan 3. They may not have won in the end, but they get an A for effort.

#8: Piccolo vs. Android 17

The Androids certainly had their fair share of bloody fun. Well, at least until they encountered this Namekian. After fusing with Kami, Piccolo gains the strength to go toe to toe with Android 17 in a battle that’s as brutal as it is cathartic. We’re not sure what’s more awesome; seeing Piccolo finally rise above the ranks of the Saiyans or seeing 17 get his smug face beaten in. At least until Cell shows up to ruin it all, but hey, it was fun while it lasted.

#7: Vegito vs. Super Buu

Ever since Gotenks made an appearance, we were all wondering if we would ever see any other fusions, perhaps one starring our two favorite Saiyans? Whelp, our prayers were answered, and the sight was downright spectacular. After absorbing Gohan and the rest, Super Buu had reached the pinnacle of his power, leaving Goku and Vegeta with no choice but to fuse into one being. Said being just happened to be a Saiyan of such power that he managed to knock the seven bells out of Buu like it was nothing. Hell, he was so powerful that even when he got turned into a piece of candy he was still a beast.

#6: Goku vs. Vegeta

While these days they’re the best of frenemies, back in the old days these two were fighting for the fate of the planet, with Vegeta pretty fixated on blowing it to kingdom come. You won’t see any Super Saiyans here, but that’s not to say the fight is devoid of excitement. Goku using Kaio-ken to gain an upper hand, that iconic beam struggle between the Kamehameha and the Galick Gun, not to mention Vegeta’s transformation into a Great Ape. Hard to believe that after pummelling each other to near death these two would one day be the best of buds… ok maybe that’s going a bit too far.

#5: Goku vs Cell

Now that’s how your start off a tournament with a bang! Yep, the first real match of the Cell Games features our protagonist facing off against the ultimate creation. While no-one was expecting it to happen this quickly, the fight itself was the furthest thing from a let-down. The two beat each other bloody, to the point that its clear that even with all his overwhelming strength, Goku is unable to finish Cell off for good. This would of course pave the way for Gohan’s fight, but at least we got to see that Instant Transmission/Kamehameha combo.

#4: Goku vs. Majin Vegeta

By this point, we had gotten so used to Goku and Vegeta being on relatively decent terms that we had all but forgotten about them once being mortal enemies. That is, until we got the rematch of the century. After allowing himself to controlled by Babidi, Vegeta demands he and Goku settle the score once and for all. What follows is the two going all out in a brutal exchange, with Vegeta’s dark new abilities taking on the force of a Super Sayain 2 Goku. While Vegeta would go on to redeem himself in the end, we’re glad he took one last trip to the dark side.

#3: Goku and Vegeta vs. Kid Buu

Yeesh, and you thought Super Buu was bad. After reverting to his purest form, Buu wastes no time in wiping out the world with a single attack. Backed into a corner on the Supreme Kai’s world, all our Saiyan duo can do is give everything they’ve got against Kid Buu. There’s something here for everybody; Goku going all out with his Super Saiyan 3 form, Vegeta nearly giving life just to stall for time, as well as the battle’s culmination where Goku unleashes his final Spirit Bomb to finally put down the pink menace once and for all.

#2: Gohan vs. Cell

We all knew that Gohan was powerful, but much like the rest of the cast, we had no clue he was THIS powerful. While he originally gets his ass handed to him by Cell, things take an unexpected turn. With the Cell Jrs taking out all his friends, as well as Android 16’s final parting words, Gohan unleashes all his anger, and in doing so transforms into a Super Saiyan 2.
From there on, the battle becomes an even playing field, all of which results in probably the series’ most epic beam struggle. Way to go Gohan, we knew you had it in you.

Before we reveal our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Vegeta vs. Android 19

Everyone vs. Nappa

Trunks vs. Frieza and King Cold

#1: Goku vs. Frieza

Many have tried, but none have truly duplicated the sadistic villainy of this alien tyrant, nor knocked him off his perch as Goku’s greatest enemy. Despite using everything at his disposal, even launching a Spirit Bomb into his face, Goku is unable to defeat Frieza in his fourth form, leading to Krillin and Piccolo being killed in rebuttal. Fuelled by anger, Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan for the first time. Thus begins the epic clash between the universe’s strongest warriors on a dying Planet Namek…and it is f**king awesome! This was truly Dragon Ball at its best!
