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Micah Pheonix

top ten anime villain master plans

2 3
Suggested by Micah Pheonix

Bleach - aizen becoming god

6 0

top ten anime villain master plans

Play Trivia top ten anime villain master plans
Suggested by Micah Pheonix

Naruto- shipuden - Madara's infinate tsukuyomi

6 2
Suggested by Micah Pheonix

One Piece - blackbeard takes yami yami fruit and kills whitebeard

3 1
Suggested by James Parker

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood- Father Absorbing God

2 0
Suggested by Micah Pheonix

Attack on Titan - Annie infiltraits the Military Police

3 2
Suggested by Micah Pheonix

Megaman - Lazor man goes to the real world

1 0
Suggested by Micah Pheonix

Sword Art Online - trapping thousands in video games

2 2
Suggested by Micah Pheonix

Attack on titan - they're in the walls

1 1
Suggested by Micah Pheonix

full metal alchemest - the arm of death

0 0
Suggested by Micah Pheonix

Naruto - the uchiha massacure

0 0

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