watchmojo top 10 anime Top 5 relevant Top 3 Anime That Are More Relevant Than Ever

Top 3 Anime That Are More Relevant Than Ever

Classic Anime, Fresh Perspectives

Whether it’s an underlining message or the overall theme of the narrative, there have been plenty of anime over the years that hold within them some measure of political or social commentary. While the majority of these messages are directed towards the time period in which they were created, there have been a few whose core content has had universal reach. Given the current state of the world at the moment, one can’t help but look at these specific examples without seeing how it seems to encapsulate many aspects of modern society.

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#3: “Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood” (2009-10)

The fight scenes, endearing characters and visual representation of alchemy remain mind-blowing to this very day, but the one subplot that particularly stands out when put in modern context is the anime’s take on prejudice, war and the cycle of vengeance that comes in the aftermath of conflict. Witnessing the Ishvalan War of Extermination unfold and the suffering it caused on all sides is certainly unsettling, but seeing how the higher powers wipe their hands clean while the wronged Ivalan innocents are offered barely any sanctuaryis painfully poignant in of itself.

Image result for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Ishval civil war

#2: “Perfect Blue” (1997)

The internet is a horrifying place. While in no way showing the full extent to which cyber-crime has now evolved by today’s standards, witnessing Mima’s slow descent into madness in the wake of online stalking hits very close to home. The way the film deals with those that only see reality through a screen and how warped their perspectives can become due to a consumer and media obsessed society is utterly terrifying, mainly due to how easily one can imagine this happening in any place given the limitless amount of technology available at our fingertips.

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#1: “Paranoia Agent” (2004)

The violent actions of one enigmatic individual soon turns him into an urban legend, his antics inspiring such widespread fear and uncertainty that soon the entire city starts devouring itself due to their own insecurities. The way in which the townsfolk manifest their terror paints a very familiar portrait, with some falling into despair while others become more monstrous than even the bat-wielding villain of the series. It’s a surreal watching experience, but one packed to the brim with a very realistic portrayal of humanity at their worst. 

Image result for Paranoia Agent

Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 R-Rated Anime.

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