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Top 10 Frontmen in Heavy Metal and Hard Rock

Top 10 Frontmen in Heavy Metal and Hard Rock
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
When it comes to fronting a heavy metal or hard rock band, you've really gotta know how to get your fans riled up. Whether it's through your loud vocals, onstage presence, musical talents or all of the above, these guys know how to rock hard and they still amaze and entertain us today. For this list, we're following up our Top 10 Frontmen in Rock with this list of male lead vocalists in hard rock and heavy metal. We've based our picks on a combination of their stage presence, songwriting abilities, popularity, and vocal chops. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 frontmen in heavy metal and hard rock.

Special thanks to our users parkermiddleton, Aidan Poliwrath Mason, waterblonk and Jacob Pollock for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest. read more...
