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Top 10 BRUTAL Deaths in Adult Cartoons

Top 10 BRUTAL Deaths in Adult Cartoons
VOICE OVER: Rudolph Strong WRITTEN BY: Johnny Reynolds
We've come a long way from slapstick Wile E. Coyote deaths! For this list, we'll be looking at our favorite violent demises across adult animated TV shows. Since some of these are major characters, a spoiler warning is in order. Our countdown includes scenes from "Family Guy", "Archer", "Castlevania" and more!

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Brutal Deaths in Adult Cartoons. For this list, we’ll be looking at our favorite violent demises across adult animated TV shows. Since some of these are major characters, a spoiler warning is in order. Which character do you think had the most brutal death? Share your thoughts in the comments!

#10: The Praxis Family

“Harley Quinn” (2019-)

Harley’s animated adventures show that while she has no problem with murdering her enemies, she’s not really on board with killing innocents. However, she learns her limits the hard way when she teams up with the Queen of Fables. Harley recruits the villain to help her steal a personal force field from S.T.A.R. Labs. But when a family is having their reunion nearby, the Queen tries to make it so there aren’t any witnesses. While we don’t see the murders, we do see the resulting carnage from the Big Bad Wolf, and it is vicious. Things don’t go well for the sole surviving member either when he tries to get his vengeance.

#9: Professor Anders

“The Legend of Vox Machina” (2022-)

Percy’s vendetta against those who killed his family results in some pretty violent deaths, but none are more brutal than Professor Anders. By the time Percy and his allies catch up with him, he’s developed some pretty troublesome skills, using his silver tongue to force others to fight for him. All seems lost for the gunslinger as his teammates bear down on him. But he expertly ricochets a bullet into Anders’ face, removing more than his magical tongue. We’re not sure which is more disturbing, the visuals or the disgusting sound design. Anders’s pain must be unimaginable, though luckily for him, Percy puts him out of his misery soon after.

#8: Brian Griffin

“Family Guy” (1999-2003; 2005-)

Seeing dogs in movies always makes us nervous for their well-being; we didn’t know we had to be paranoid about cartoon TV dogs too! In “Family Guy’s” 12th season, the show seemingly said goodbye to Brian after he was run over by a car. The suddenness of the event and the image of Brian’s mangled body shocked fans everywhere. In fact, a petition appeared almost immediately to see him revived, garnering thousands of signatures. It seems that was always the plan, as Stewie saves Brian with time travel two episodes later. Still, it was completely brutal, and there was nary a dry eye when the Griffin family said farewell at the vet’s office.

#7: Irish Mobster

“Archer” (2009-)

Although he’s never named, this Irish Mob member goes out in spectacular fashion. After finding out that the medication for his breast cancer is fake, Archer goes on a ludicrous rampage to punish those responsible. The episode is filled with Archer riddling goons with bullets, though the best kill, by far, doesn’t involve a gun. To find the location of the mob’s boss, Archer gets very creative with how he interrogates one mobster. Turns out, inserting a grenade in someone’s nether regions is extremely convincing. However, once he has the info, Archer mistakenly calls it a smoke grenade, which it very much isn’t. The comedic timing of the mobster exploding is genius.

#6: Scoop Dunbarton

“F Is For Family” (2015-21)

From one explosive death to another. Voiced by the always fantastic John DiMaggio, Scoop Dunbarton was as self-centered and mean as he was idiotic, even before he was kicked in the head by a horse. In the Season 2 finale, Frank attempts to get rid of Scoop by drugging him and sticking him on a plane. But a hijacking threat ensures a more permanent solution. Although Scoop ends up fighting the hijackers, he also steps on a suitcase bomb while he’s cheering for himself, sending scoops of Scoop flying everywhere. That’s already pretty gnarly. But the accident also shoots a laminated newspaper into his uncle’s neck, killing him as well.

#5: Fish Lady

“Hit-Monkey” (2021-)

One could probably guess that a series about a monkey assassin would have some pretty violent deaths. And one would be absolutely right. In the show’s second episode, Hit-Monkey and his ghostly companion Bryce journey to Tokyo and are met by a surprisingly vicious foe known only as Fish Lady. Hit-Monkey squares off with the villain in a processing plant and, if you’ll excuse our pun, it isn’t long before he gains the upper hand. After losing her arm, Fish Lady is knocked to a conveyor belt that quickly carries her towards a buzzsaw. Sadly, Hit-Monkey and Bryce can’t get any information from her before she goes through the saw.

#4: Dracula

“Castlevania” (2017-21)

Dracula may be out for vengeance over the death of his wife, but he causes untold numbers of innocents to suffer cruel, horrifying deaths. His son, Alucard, promises to stop him, and does so in the penultimate episode of the second season. After a lengthy battle throughout the castle, Dracula comes to his senses, feeling remorse that he’s currently trying to murder his son. Alucard takes advantage of this, driving a stake into his father’s heart. It isn’t a short death, with Dracula’s skin rapidly decaying. Trevor lobs his head off and Sypha burns his remains for good measure, though we feel the overkill is certainly warranted.

#3: Hologram Rick

“Rick and Morty” (2013-)

“Rick and Morty” features all manner of cartoonishly savage deaths; this Season 4 episode alone has more than its fair share. With Morty obsessed with death crystals that show him the future, Rick is accidentally killed in a ship crash. Hologram Rick then follows Morty around, trying to persuade him to help revive the real Rick. Meanwhile, Rick hops between clone bodies in different realities, with an alternate wasp version of himself eventually helping him return home. They save Morty, but the hologram gains the power of the crystals. Wasp Rick comes to the rescue again, stabbing Hologram Rick in the eye and injecting him with larvae. When the baby Wasp Ricks burst through his face, it’s both hilarious and utterly disgusting.

#2: Chef

“South Park” (1997-)

Although Kenny is the literal poster child of brutal deaths on “South Park,” (Xref) we doubt the show will ever top the barbaric demise of Chef. The character’s voice actor, the late Isaac Hayes, had left the show after it made fun of his religion, Scientology. In response, the creators had Chef return, recycling previously recorded lines and giving him one of the most insane TV deaths we’ve ever seen. Brainwashed by the Super Adventure Club, Chef is stopped moments from escaping. After the bridge he’s standing on is struck by lightning, Chef catches fire, falls into a ravine and is impaled, then gets shot, and is ripped apart by a mountain lion and a bear. What a way to go.

#1: The Guardians of the Globe

“Invincible” (2021-)

Nolan Grayson, AKA the ultra-powerful Omni-Man, turned plenty of regular people into pulp in “Invincible’s” first season. However, his most ferocious moment was the violent dismantling of the Guardians of the Globe. Nolan set a trap for his superpowered allies at the end of the first episode. Despite being vastly outnumbered and taking one hell of a beating, the team was unable to stop him. It’s hard to say which member meets the most unsettling end, though most of them get their heads crushed. Regardless, it was hard to pick our jaws up off the floor by the end. It was a glorious display of animated gore and a terrific early twist for the seemingly heroic character.

Jerome "Chef" McElroy.