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The 10 Hardest Bosses And Enemies In Fallout Games

The 10 Hardest Bosses And Enemies In Fallout Games
Welcome to MojoPlays, today we're delving into our ten picks for the hardest enemies AND bosses of the Fallout series! For this list, we'll be considering the battle stats of these baddies, including their health, damage, speed, and tactics used against the player. To clarify, “Bosses” come from scripted events and must be defeated to progress a storyline, whereas enemies can be found wandering around the wasteland, doing their own thing!
Script written by Josh McLean

The Hardest Fallout Enemies And Bosses

Welcome to MojoPlays, Josh here! Today we’re delving into our five picks for the hardest enemies AND bosses of the Fallout series!

For this list, we’ll be considering the battle stats of these baddies, including their health, damage, speed, and tactics used against the player.

To clarify, “Bosses” come from scripted events and must be defeated to progress a storyline, whereas enemies can be found wandering around the wasteland, doing their own thing!

Non-canon bosses such as the unkillable Liberty Prime, or Gojira, who was cut from the main game, will also not be included!

With all that said, which of these adversaries gave you the most trouble? Let us know of your battle in the comments, “‘cause war, war never changes.”

#5: (ENEMY): Legendary Cazador

Likely the biggest offender at getting players to soil their vault suits. If you’ve fought a single one of these things in the Mojave, you know exactly why it’s on this list.

Cazadors are based off of the real life “tarantula hawk wasp”. Which are three separate creatures, that I believe, never should have been combined. If you don’t want to sleep tonight, read up on how they reproduce, or how their sting is so excruciatingly painful, that all other thoughts are forced to leave your brain when stung… Great!

Back to New Vegas, the Legendary variant must be fought in a pitch black cavern, and since it’s one of the few airborne enemy types, you’re almost guaranteed to miss a good handful of your shots.

Stat wise, this legend can deal 120 damage in a single swing with a lasting poison effect 3 times longer than a radscorpion. Even if you cripple them in an attempt to escape, they only become more terrifying when crawling towards you with alarming speed.

Cazadors don’t take any extra damage from headshots, probably because they were created by Satan, and at 400 health, even the best flamer can’t kill it fast enough for my liking.

Sure there are other enemies with higher health than a ‘Caz, as we’ll see in a minute. But awful the sound and sight of these critters are war on a metal front as well as virtual.

#5: (BOSS): The Master

This chunky box of meat and wires is the final boss of Fallout 1. This cult leader meets doctor meets computer appears to have gotten way too into pc building. Pun intended.

While not the most complicated of boss fights in the series, the former “Richard Moreau” is rightfully way stronger than most anything else at the time.

At a respectable 500 HP, which is still meaty for us used to the modern games, expect a long fight if you’re not well prepared.

Longer still, if you can’t take out the Super Mutant reinforcements he calls in every two turns. His living green bullet-sponges have no qualms about biting the bullet for their master, who is all the while, firing at you with gatling lasers...

All that said, due to the Master’s incredibly high intellect, he can be reasoned with through speech interactions. Forfeiting this battle entirely.

Plus, due to his limited weapon range, and weakness to pulse grenades, a player can outsmart him with the right know-how.

#4: (ENEMY): X-42 Giant Robo-Scorpion

If you thought giant scorpions were scary on their own, just wait till they shoot lasers! Pack your energy weapons errybody!

Weighing in at 3,000 health, dishing out 200 damage per pinch, and a meaty 200+ damage atomic laser to top it all off. Cause, did I mention it gives off radiation damage too with every blast?

Yep! Dr. Mobius’ favourite toy from the “Old World Blues” DLC is the complete package.

Keep your distance from this thing, and pray for critical hits against its armour clad body, and EMP shield.

Thankfully the “Forbidden Zone Dome”, offers plenty of cover from the stinger blasts, and its attacks are telegraphed enough that a careful courier shouldn’t have too much trouble getting behind something. All that said, you’ll still need buckets of ammunition, or external help, to wear it down.

Folks tech-ing into the “robotics” skill will be rewarded by being able to disable it for a short time, but don’t expect the X-42 to go down without a fight.

#4: (BOSS): Legate Lanius

Caser, or “Kai-sar” ’s infamous military commander who is more than willing to play dirty to win.

Not only does the man behind the mask hit for just short of 100 damage, he also has 5 incendiary grenades to purge rival players.

The “monster of the east” as he’s rightfully known, can whip out a unique healing powder to tank your damage and he’s a whopping 80% faster than the player! If you choose to go toe to toe with this guy, you gotta’ beat him at his own game, while playing by his rules.

Despite Lanius’ mythical deep lore, tales of destroying patrols single handedly or never losing a battle in his life since age 12, that won’t stop him from running and hiding during your battle. Once his health is below 40% he will flee to heal, calling in goons to fire upon you, during which all of his limbs will be restored to 100%. My god!

With an unreal 920 health, he's the tallest human character in Vegas, and, for fun, he can’t even be disarmed.
It’s safe to say the developers wanted this guy to be remembered, and much like the in-game characters that speak of him, this Ambassador butcher is one to be feared.

#3: (ENEMY): Mythic Deathclaw

Y’already know it! The Deathclaw had to be on this list purely for its legacy of tyranny. These beasts have been the hard mode of single -player since the very first Fallout.

Stronger than the unique "Rawr" deathclaw, is the Mythic variant. These things come right from hell to dish out massive damage in record time. With a swipe intent on cutting your playtime short, don’t feel bad to perish to its 350 melee damage heavy attack… It happens to us all at some point.

They scale with player level, are at least twice as fast, have numerous resistances, and over 1,300 health!

If you've seen one, it's probably already too late. They’ll always live up to the name... Of Deathclaw.

#3: (BOSS): Ulysses

This pretentious SOB, and final boss of the Lonesome Road DLC, Chucks grenades, wacks you with a stick, uses end game weapons, AND brings robots to a gunfight that constantly heal him... Basically the biggest pain in the neck since that time you got shot in the head.

I have a personal vendetta here, I put down New Vegas for months because of this guy. Eventually I resorted to cheesing him by painstakingly pushing him off the edge. It seems most players agree with me, because facing him in 1 on 1 combat is almost guaranteed death.

Big U is the only human character with 1000+ hit points (1030 for the record), and is a perfect 10 in all special stats to boot. Imagine fighting your own fully leveled character at the end of the game, that is the only thing comparable to the difficulty spike of this buddy.

Here are some more OP fun facts of his: Ulysses is escorted by a medical eyebot that heals him faster than a stimpack, cannot be knocked down, constantly spawns new robots unless the player manually turns them off. Can shoot for over one hundred damage with his anti material rifle! Oh OH, and can become invisible with “stealth boys”.

My advice? Tell this guy to take a hike and throw him over a railing emperor palpatine style.

#2: (ENEMY): Enraged Fog Crawler

This saltwater monster will certainly make a meal of you! Ordinary fog crawlers are known for their brilliant resistances against bullets and energy weapons, plus complete immunity to radiation and poison.

Bring armor piercers or straight up nukes if you want to stand a chance at cracking the crawler’s shell. The enraged variant scales with the player's level, so it’ll always be a battle of tooth and nail.

They only wield a decent 140 melee damage, but the over 2,200 health and 4,000 points of damage resistance give this lobster enough meat to tank all of your hits while ripping through that health bar.

They’re fairly indistinguishable from their weaker counterparts at first glance, so we can’t really blame the deathclaws for trying to go head-to-head with one of these… and losing.

#2: (BOSS): Frank Horrigan

He who awaits you as the final boss of Fallout 2. Legend says he laughed off plasma fire and tore a deathclaw in half with his bare hands. Franky boy is without a doubt, the perfect soldier.

This power armored super mutant yields unheard of credentials, at a whopping 999 health and a perfect 10 in ALL SPECIAL skills, he towers above all hostiles of the early games. There’s really nothing this machine of war can’t do, and I know Mr. Horrigan would still be a challenge in the gameplay of today's titles.

If you dare fight him, note his ability to attack several times per round with unique weapons such as the ”End Boss Knife” which take no ammo and hit for nearly the highest damage in the game.

Of course being a mutant, Frank is immune to rads, and your only true hope is to bring lots of explosives if you want to stand a chance.

This boss is the kind of old school hard, where the devs didn’t pull any punches.

To many longtime fans of the series, he’ll be remembered as the ultimate final boss. Because seeing this guy go limp after beating him fair and square, is a true achievement.

#1:(ENEMY): Legendary Bloatfly

The mother of every fly to get stuck in your house, this giant bug has claimed countless lives due to its unexpected and unsurpassed might.

The enormous acid spitter fires plasma-like projectiles, and slashes for ridiculous damage. Tests have been done by fellow players, and this thing easily beats multiple deathclaws in 1v1 combat.

The raw stats reveal the truth of an airborne 2,000 hp demon. With a God-like 300 damage projectile (equal to that of alpha deathclaws), and it gets worse... A melee with 450 damage in stinging power. WOWZA! This thing packs a punch like NO OTHER.

The only explanation is that someone gave this bloatfly the power of friendship, because what is usually a C-tier enemy, has become the apex predator not to be outdone by any other apocalyptic horror.

#1: (BOSS): Scorchbeast Queen

An Endgame boss the likes of which were once unimaginable. Once spawned, her majesty calls upon waves of fellow scorched enemies, and all must be killed within only 30 minutes… If it wasn’t hard enough already.

With the largest movepool on this list by far, Mama’ Scorchbeast has 6 methods of attack, some dealing over 200 damage, and is always encased by a radiation cloud, causing constant damage reduction.

Who would’ve guessed a gargantuan bat would sit at the highest universal health of 32,767. It’s no wonder that eight or more players are recommended, nay, required, to fight this royalty.

To top it off she has resistances across the board, even including fire and cyro attacks, and she’s not shy to take to the air Skyrim style if you’re dishing a little too much pain for her liking.

Undoubtedly, due to the multiplayer aspect of ‘76, this queen was designed to be the boss to end all bosses. If you aim to cross this boss off your bucket list, good luck, and bring plenty of backup for your war in the scorched Earth.